Satoyama Design

Sustainable lifestyle through satoyama design

Activities in rural areas

-Soil cultivation according to actual conditions

-Seasonal cultivation without chemical agents

-Sharing the joy of harvesting, and spreading knowledge throughout the region about protecting the satoyama with environmental education.

-Coordination of bamboo grove protection activities

Activities in the city

Kitakyushu is starting the implementation and operation of an industrial environment passport program, in the experimental stages of creating fuel from the organic fraction of solid waste for the implementation of a low carbon society.

In cooperation with the city of Kitakyushu, the Asia-Pacific Eco Shop is in operation at Kokura Station North Exit. Reused clothes and other ecologically sound goods are available for sale. In addition to its role as a commercial area, the Eco Shop serves as a venue for all kinds of environmentally-minded events for exchange among citizens.

Coordinating activities

●Connecting NPO
By working together to hold environmental events、environmental NPOs can cooordinate efforts more and more every day.

●Connecting Schools
Using satoyama areas and ethics in hands-on educational activities.

●Connecting cities and people
Urban planning organization and administration、environmental NPOs, volunteer organizations, students and other various organizations hold events on the making of a better city.

●Linking cities and rural areas
Through design in a way that adheres to the values of the satoyama, we work towards a sustainable lifestyle.