Keynote Speakers
Ms.Kanoko Kamata(Japan)
Community Organizing Japan
Theme:Community Organizing - People, Power, Change
Kanoko was born in Yokohama, Japan. Kanoko is making an effort to enhance community organizing by emerging community-based civic engagement and developing leadership in people in Japan.
Kanoko has 11 years of consulting work experience in sustainable development and corporate accountability work in her native Japan. Her hope was to change the world through consulting, but she realized "people" have a real power for change by researching the development of European and US state-level legislation. Then she decided to quit her job and study civic engagement in the US. She completed her MPA at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government in 2012, where she also took the on-the-ground course, Organizing: People, Power and Change. After graduation, she worked as a community organizer in Brooklyn, New York for a year, where she was involved in Change New York Police Department Campaign to stop racial discriminatory policing. She was in charge of organizing voter registration drive in New York. The campaign successfully passed three proposed bills on racial discriminatory policing in 2013.
Kanoko came back to Japan in September 2013. Kanoko hosted a community organizing workshop with Marshall Ganz in December 2013, to train nonprofit and local leaders in Japan with the support of civic, labor, and academic groups and organizations. In January 2014, she launched a new organization; Community Organizing Japan with 11 colleagues (http://communityorganizing.jp/). COJ aims to provide training on community organizing, adapt organizing to the Japanese context and practice organizing to solve social issues.
鎌田 華乃子氏(日本)
代表理事 神奈川県横浜市生まれ。1歳半から6歳まで仙台で過ごした以外は横浜で育つ。 日本大学生物資源科学部農芸化学科を卒業後、外資系商社に就職、4年間化学品の輸出入、新規化学物質登録に従事する。その後、外資系環境コンサルティング会社に転職し、7年半勤務。環境法令調査、新規化学物質登録、環境デューディリジェンス、遵法監査といったコンサルティング業務に従事する傍ら、新規ビジネス開拓も手がける。 2011年7月から2012年5月までハーバード大学ケネディスクールに留学しMaster in Public Administration(行政学修士)のプログラムを修了。在学中はロータリー財団国際親善奨学金、Harvard Kennedy School, The Roy & Lila Ash Fellowship in Democracyを授与される。 ニューヨーク・ブルックリンにあるコミュニティ・オーガナイジング(普通の市民が立ち上がり社会を変えていく活動)NPOにて市民参加の様々な形を現場で学んだ後、2013年9月に帰国。コミュニティ・オーガナイジングの手法を日本に広めるべく実行委員会を立ち上げ、同年12月にはハーバード大で教えるガンツ博士を日本に招きワークショップや講演会を実施。
Mr.Kat Bun Heng(Cambodia)
Director of Community Translation Organization
Theme:Community Development work in Cambodia
Mr. Kat Bun Heng has been working in development in Cambodia back since 1998 where he volunteered with UNDP in Rattanakiri Province, northern part of Cambodia, which most of its population are ethnic minorities. His volunteer work with UNDP then had brought him into Community Development so far. During his work, we have been working in cooperation with much international development organization such as UNDP, World Food Program, and Japanese Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR), Asian Development Bank etc. At grassroots community, He has been working directly with rural community people on their community development, capacity building and construction of agricultural production improvement in restructures such as water reservoir, irrigation system and so forth.
Education : MBA in small business development and management, specialized in rural enterprise from the Royal University of Phnom Penh
Kat Bun Heng氏(カンボジア)
Community Translation Organization 理事
The Royal University of Phnom Penh MBA取得
1998年より人口の殆どが少数民族であるカンボジア北部のRattanakiri地域において国連開発計画(United Nations Development Programme :UNDP)のボランティアとして活動。2009年にはCommunity Translation Organization (CTO)の理事に就任、農村地域の人々に対し持続可能な生活向上や経済環境の改善に取り組んでいる。これまで、UNDPや世界食糧計画(World Food Programme :WFP)、および貧困削減のための日本基金(Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction :JFPR)、アジア開発銀行(Asian Development Bank :ADB)などの多くの国際開発機関と協力して活動を実施。コミュニティ開発から能力開発、貯水槽や灌水設備といった農業生産性向上のための設備の構築に至るまで、農村地域のコミュニティに直接根ざした草の根レベルのプロジェクトを幅広く行っている。
Mr. Tetsurou Kai(Japan)
甲斐 徹郎氏(日本)
都留文科大学文学部社会学科、立教セカンドステージ大学 非常勤講師
Student Presenters
Mr.Edison Zou(China)
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Theme:China’s Aging Population: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications
Edison Zou is a doctoral student at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. Originally from Dalian, China, he has studied and worked in China, Germany, and Japan. His research interests include Urban Sustainability, Eco-city Developments, Renewable Energy, Circular Economy Concept, Zero Emission Projects, and Eco-environmental Education.
Edison Zou氏(中国)
Mr.Fritz Nuzir(Indonesia)
The University of Kitakyushu
Theme:Mainstreaming Modest Sustainable Development in the city of Metro
Fritz Nuzir is a doctoral student on the Architecture course at the University of Kitakyushu Graduate School of Engineering. His specialty is landscape architecture and urban planning, and he has worked on projects in Germany, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and his native Indonesia.
Fritz Nuzir氏(インドネシア)
テーマ:インドネシア メトロシティにおける適度で持続可能な開発の主流化
Mr.Satoshi Shinokawa(Japan)
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Theme:How is Architecture important for Community? Learning from examples in Europe.
Satoshi Shinokawa is in his final year on the Architecture course at Kyushu Institute of Technology. He is from Tobata in Kitakyushu, and joined an Internship at Interstudio architecture firm in Italy, and BAC, which is an architecture spring school in Barcelona.
篠川 慧氏(日本)
テーマ: "建築とコミュニティ~ヨーロッパでの旅を通じて考えること~”
Group Discussion Leaders
Mr.Hiromi Matsunaga
The University of Kitakyushu
Mr. Matsunaga was born in 1969 in Saga prefecture. In 1998, he graduated from the doctoral program in economics at the University of Kitakyushu. Since that time, he has been working for his alma mater. He specializes in environmental business and social business, exploring the ways social and environmental concerns can co-exist with business matters.
松永 裕己氏
1969年 佐賀県生まれ。
1998年 九州大学大学院経済学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学。
Mr.Yoshiaki Ushifusa
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
The University of Kitakyushu
Dr Yoshiaki Ushifusa was born in Osaka in 1971. In 2001, he left the Chuo University doctoral program in environmental economics. Since that time, he has been an associate professor at the University of Kitakyushu. His areas of interest include the economics of electric power and sustainable energy.
牛房 義明氏
北九州市立大学 経済学部
1971年 大阪市生まれ。
2001年 中央大学大学院博士後期課程満期退学。
2001年 北九州市立大学講師を経て、現職。