The 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability has come to an end after a smooth and successful three days. The reports of the conference are being produced and will be available for the general public in August. We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, you can also find video footage of the conference sessions on our Ustream page that can be viewed at any time.
About the Conference -北九州市での国際会議開催について-

Let’s share ideas and thoughts about the sustainable future in Asia on this conference to be held in Kitakyushu city, Japan!!
In considering sustainability, learning sustainable efforts in Asia and local communities are very important as well as in the city of Japan and Kitakyushu.
The 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability will provide a valuable opportunity for the participants to find the common challenges and hints for solutions through exchanging ideas and learning from each other. The results of this international conference will be shared among Japanese and people in wider Asia for designing the sustainable Asian Future.
Characteristics -本会議の特徴ー-

共通言語 英語
Common Language : English
This conference will conduct lectures and presentations in English.
Though simultaneous interpretation and consecutive interpretation to be prepared, please try to discuss in English.
Internet picture deliveryh
Live video of conference T, U are going to be delivered over the Internet to the world.
Summary -概要-
■名称 | 第8回サステナブルデザイン国際会議 |
■会期 | エクスカーション | 2013年6月 7日(金) |
カンファレンスT | 2013年6月 8日(土) | |
カンファレンスU | 2013年6月 9日(日) | |
■会場 | 北九州イノベーションギャラリー、北九州市環境ミュージアム、 九州ヒューマンメディア創造センター、北九州市八幡東区東田地区、および周辺 |
■参加者 | 直接参加者100名 またインターネット配信による参加 | |
■主催 | サステナブルデザイン国際会議実行委員会 北九州サステナブルデザイン国際会議実行委員会 |
■共催 | 北九州市、公益財団法人タカミヤ・マリバー環境保護財団 | |
■後援 | 独立行政法人国際協力機構 公益財団法人九州ヒューマンメディア創造センター | |
■協賛 | 株式会社西原商事 TOTO株式会社 株式会社LIXIL 株式会社筑紫環境保全センター 株式会社ATGREEN 株式会社早稲田環境研究所 株式会社新菱 株式会社リンク | |
■事務局 | NPO法人里山を考える会 |
■Title | The 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability 7th,8th,9th on June, 2013 |
■Dates | 7th Excursions 8th ConferenceT 9th ConferenceU |
■Venue | Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery and Studio, Kitakyushu Environment Museum, Human media Creation Center/KYUSHU and in the City of Kitakyushu |
■Participants | About 100 peoples |
■Organizer | Executive committee of international conference of design for sustainability. Executive committee of international conference of design for sustainability in Kitakyushu. |
■Co-Organizer | City of Kitakyushu, Takamiya Mariver Foundation for Environmental Protection |
■Supports | Japan International Cooperation Agency, Human media Creation Center/KYUSHU |
■Sponsors | Nishihara Corporation, TOTO LTD., LIXIL Corporetion, Chikushi Environmental Conservation Center, ATGREEN Co., Ltd. Waseda Environmental Institute Co., Ltd. Shinryo Corporation, Linc Co,.ltd. |

On the event of the 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability

それは同時に、人々の世界観や価値観の見直しを含む社会イノベーションの可能性を追求するためにサステナブルデザイン国際会議を立ち上げる契機ともなり、2006年に第1回の国際会議である”Destination 2006-2026”を開催しました。
そこで、第6回からのテーマをAsian Sustainabilityとし、第7回会議はバンコクのRangsit Universityと共にタイで開催しました。資源・エネルギーの大量消費国であり続けるヨーロッパ流のサステナビリティとは異なる、より多様性と柔軟性に富んでresilientなアジア型サステナブル社会の可能性をアジアの人々とともに考えて行こうという試みです。
第8回サステナブルデザイン国際会議 ” Destination 2013-2019” 実行委員長 益田文和
On the event of the 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability
Since the dawn of time, human civilisations have risen and fallen in every part of the world. Modern civilisation is the final result of much trial and error carried out over several thousand years. Incorporating over 7 billion people in a single system, it can be said to differ from previous civilisations in terms of both scale and quality.
However, this modern civilisation has encountered various contradictions in the little over 200 years of its existence and is already showing signs of coming apart, as illustrated by global environmental issues. At this rate, modern civilisation could soon reach a deadlock and face demise as one of the more short-lived civilisations of human history.
With the aim of avoiding this, we have been engaging in low-environmental-impact manufacturing since the beginning of the 1990s. However, it has become evident that technological innovation does not necessarily lead directly to the building of a sustainable society. Conversely, technical problem-solving can lead to new increases in consumption, for example.
This trend formed the opportunity to launch the International Conference of Design for Sustainability in order to pursue the possibilities of social innovation, including the review of the worldviews and values of the people. The result was Destination 2006-2026, the first International Conference held in 2006.
This first conference delved into the domain of sustainable design. It was followed by a second conference, which laid out a vision for a sustainable society, and a third, at which agreements for starting actions were reached. The fourth such conference studied leading social innovation businesses and the fifth explored regional social businesses in Yamagata Prefecture.
Then, just two weeks after the fifth International Conference held in the Tohoku region at the end of February 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident occurred. These events exposed just how unsustainable Japan's social system has become. As a result, the direction in which these conferences should proceed was determined; namely, to explore methods by which Japan, heavily dependent on imports of resources, energy and food, can coexist with East Asian and other neighbouring countries.
To achieve this, it is first necessary to show how we can eliminate excesses and make the system more agile.
Accordingly, the theme of Asian Sustainability was adopted from the sixth conference onwards, and the seventh conference was jointly held in Thailand with Rangsit University, situated in Bangkok. This was an attempt to consider the possibility of an Asian-style of sustainable society that is resilient, rich in diversity and highly flexible, and differing from European sustainability, whereby countries can continue to consume large quantities of resources and energy.
Now, on the occasion of the eighth conference in Kitakyushu City, which is furnished with advanced urban energy infrastructure technologies, we hope to discuss how to reach a balance between such advanced technologies and the value system of Asian-style sustainability.
In any case, the objective of sustainability is clear: To find a way for over 7 billion people to share this one and only planet Earth. And for this it is necessary to re-examine, for example, the values and way of living of the Japanese people from their very foundation in accordance with the realities of the country.
Fumikazu Masuda, Executive Committee Chair of “Destination 2013-2019,” The 8th International Conference of Design for Sustainability