Speakers -講師紹介-

Introduce Keynote Speakers

加茂野 秀一 氏
Executive Director. Office for Environmental Future City Promotion
【Title】Sustainable community development in Higashida

Sok Visal 氏
The Urban Poor Development Fund in Cambodia
【タイトル】Community Architect Network Cambodia

1992-1996:Assistant to Architects and Engineers in building design of JMK construction Company. 1994-1996:Employed by Action Nord Sud (ANS) and Handicap International (HI), as technical assistant. 1995-1997:Assistant to Architects of Institute of Khmer Habitat (IKH). In 2000 and 2001:Field Researcher of consultant group for the Technical Assessment and Procurement assessment on the projects of Social Fund of Kingdom of Cambodia (SFKC) and World Bank. 1997-2001:Program Manager for communities’ development projects under Urban Resource Centre (URC) is a local NGOs that an initiative of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) to strengthen community organization and their skills. 2001-2005:Acting Manager of the Urban Poor Development Fund (UPDF), the Municipality of Phnom Penh, and the city’s network of community savings groups. The UPDF makes available a revolving fund to provide soft loans to poor communities for their housing and income generation initiatives, through their savings groups. 2005-2011:Program Coordinator of UPDF, working with community information, supporting city and provincial’ CDF (Community Development Fund) through ACCA program (Asian Coalition for Community Action) of ACHR. 2012 to present:Managing Director of CDF, is the local Non - government organization, is part of ACHR’s country member since 1998, call UPDF that has been working only in Phnom Penh city. Later, in March 2011, it was registered to work in wide country of Cambodia called CDF that cover 24 provincial city about 56 cities/ districts.
ACHR Website:www.achr.net
CDF website:www.cdfcambodia.net

赤池 学 氏 Manabu Akaike
【Title】To learn manufacturing from children and nature

「生命地域主義」「千年持続学」「自然に学ぶものづくり」を提唱し、地域の資源、技術、人材を活用した数多くのものづくりプロジェクトにも参画。科学技術ジャーナリスト として、製造業技術、科学哲学分野を中心とした執筆、評論、講演活動にも取り組み、2011年より(社)環境共創イニシアチブの代表理事も務める。グッドデザイン賞金賞、JAPAN SHOP SYSTEM AWARD最優秀賞、KU/KAN賞2011など、産業デザインの分野で数多くの顕彰を受けている。
Mr. Manabu Akaike, born in 1958 in Tokyo, is a science journalist and the director of Universal Design Intelligence Inc.
In 1981, he graduated from the College of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, and completed a Bachelor’s Degree.
Universal Design Intelligence Inc., where he serves as the director, is a think-tank that provides social system design and develops goods and facilities encouraging social innovation.
Based on his visions such as “life localism,” “millenary sustainability,” and “manufacturing based on learning from nature,” he has contributed to a number of manufacturing projects by making the best use of local resources, technologies and human resources.
Mr. Akaike has been awarded several prizes, mainly in the field of industrial design, such as The Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Prize (2002), the Award for Social Cultural Merit (2003, Japan Culture Promoting Association), the Good Design Gold Award, Japan Shop System Award Grand Prix, and the KU/KAN Award 2011.
His recent books include “Konchuryoku” (Power of Insects) (Shogakukan Inc., in Japanese), “Shizen ni Manabu Monozukuri” (Manufacturing Based on Learning from Nature) (Toyo Keizai Inc., in Japanese), and “Nippon Technology” (Maruzen Co., Ltd., in Japanese).

スヴェンドリニ・カクチ 氏
Tokyo Correspondent. Inter Press Service
【タイトル】What is Resilience
Suvendrini Kakuchi, is Tokyo correspondent for Inter Press Service, a news agency focusing on development issues. She writes on Japan-Asia relations and issues related to environment, human rights, education, international aid and gender.

Kakuchi has covered the December 2004 tsunami devastation in Sri Lanka that also resulted in a book on disaster volunteersim published by Iwanami Shoten company. She has also spent the last two years in the Tohoku region documenting the major tripple disaster that hit the northeast coastal areas with a special focus on the impact on the population and recovery process. Kakuchi, a Sri Lankan national, has spent almost three decades in Japan and is respected for her writing that puts the voices of the people in the forefront. She is a graduate of Sophia University, Tokyo and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, U. S. A.

President, Institute for Studies in Happiness,
Economy and Society
【Title】Sustainability based on Resilience

主な著訳書に、「不都合な真実」、「成長の限界 人類の選択」「『エコ』を超えて―幸せな未来のつくり方」、「GDP追求型成長から幸せ創造へ」など多数。
Junko Edahiro obtained a Master's degree in Educational Psychology from The University of Tokyo. Still active today as an environmental journalist, she is committed to communication and networking through lecturing, publishing, and translating on the environment, all with the aim of causing behavioral change among people and building effective systems for a sustainable society.
To comprehensively study the relationship among happiness, economy, and society and work on these themes, she holds workshops on happiness and sustainability. She organizes a website "e’s Future Co-Creation Forum" to co-create new value from finding relationships among factors within a problem. She contributes to co-creation of happy and resilient future through human connections and dialogue.
Member of the International Expert of Working Group for the New Development Paradigm appointed by the King of Bhutan
Her published translations include "An Inconvenient Truth," "Limits to Growth: The 30-year Update,". Her publications include "Beyond 'Eco' - How to Make a Happy Future," and "From Pursuit of GDP Growth to Creation of Happiness" based on "Life Beyond Growth".
Mr.Shuichi KAMONO
Mr.Sok Visal
Mr.Manabu AKAIKE
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Introduce Sectional Meeting
小野田弘士 准教授 Mr.Hiroshi Onoda
早稲田大学 環境総合研究センター 准教授
Associate Professor, Waseda University
Environmental Research Institute

Associate professor of Waseda University from April 2008 (Present Position). Doctor of Engineering..Established and represented a university environmental venture,

今井健一氏 公益財団法人 国際東アジア研究センター
梶原浩之氏 北九州市環境局環境未来都市推進室 次長
吉田 格氏 株式会社LIXILLIXILジャパンカンパニー 営業企画統括部 ハウジング企画部 部長
Sok Visal氏 The Urban Poor Development Fund in Cambodia
松永裕己 准教授 Mr.Hiromi Matsunaga
Graduate School of Business Administration,
Associate Professor, The University of Kitakyushu

Theary visal氏 考古学者
枝廣淳子氏 幸せ経済社会研究所所長
スヴェンドリニ・カクチ氏 Tokyo Correspondent. Inter Press Service
高柳ヤヨイ 准教授 Ms.Yayoi Takayanagi
西日本工業大学 デザイン学部
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Design, Nishinippon Institute of Technology
小倉高等学校卒。California Institute of the Arts(カリフォルニア芸術大学)を経てSchool of Visual Arts, MFA Computer Art学科修士課程卒。


竜口隆三氏 西日本工業大学
清水康利氏 TOTO株式会社 ESG推進部 上席研究主幹
新原藍 シャボン玉せっけん株式会社
松波勲 准教授 Mr.Isamu Matsunami
北九州市立大学大学院 准教授
Associate Professor, The University of Kitakyushu

Isamu Matsunami was born in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan June 1982. He received the Ph.D. degree in environmental engineering from the University of Kitakyushu in 2010 after he graduated a local schools at all three levels. Dr. Matsunami is a Associate Professor of Faculty of Environmental Engineering, The University Kitakyushu since 2013. His major is wireless communication and network and radar sensor systems.
西原靖博氏 株式会社西原商事 専務
飯塚誠氏 株式会社筑紫環境保全センター
赤池学氏 株式会社ユニバーサルデザイン総合研究所室長