Schedule -カンファレンス・スケジュール-
■カンファレンスT Conference 1
-Keynote Speeches. Sessions
Sessions Themes; Energy, Community, Manufacturing, Circulation
Report back from each Session to the Conference T
-Keynote Speeches
Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery and Studio (
Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery and Studio,
Higashida Eco Club House, (5-7 Higashida, Yahata Higashi ward, Kitakyushu city),Human Media Creation Center (

9:00 | 受付開始@北九州イノベーションギャラリー |
9:30 | カンファレンスT開催 |
9:50 | 基調講演 1 加茂野秀一氏/北九州市環境局環境未来都市推進室 室長 |
10:05 | 基調講演 2 Sok Visal氏/The Urban Development Fund |
10:20 | 基調講演 3 赤池学氏/株式会社ユニバーサルデザイン総合研究所 所長 |
10:35 | 基調講演 4 スヴェンドリニ・カクチ氏 |
10:50 | 基調講演 5 枝廣淳子氏 |
11:05 | パネルディスカッション |
12:00 | 休憩(Share!東田まつり2013開場にて各自食事) |
13:00 | 分科会 テーマ 1「エネルギー」 テーマ 2「コミュニティ」 テーマ 3「ものづくり」 テーマ 4「循環」 |
17:00 | カンファレンスT終了 |
Day 2 Conference I (8th June 2013)
9:00 | Registration at Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery and Studio |
9:30 | Opening |
9:50-10:05 (15min) |
Keynote Speeches: 1. Environmental Future City, Kitakyushu Mr. Shuichi KAMONO (Executive Director, Office for Environmental Future City Promotin City of Kitakyushu) |
10:05-10:20 (15min) |
Keynote Speeches: 2. Asian sustainability Mr. Sok Visal (UPDF/The Urban Poor Development Fund, Cambodia) |
10:20-10:35 (15min) |
Keynote Speeches: 3. Smart city led sustainability Mr. Manabu AKAIKE (Universal Design Intelligence.,inc) |
10:35-10:50 (15min) |
Keynote Speeches: 4. TBD Ms Suvendrini KAKUCHI |
10:50-11:05 (15min) |
Keynote Speeches: 5. TBD Ms Junko EDAHIRO (President, Institute for Studies in Happiness, Economy and Society) |
11:05-12:00 (55min) |
Panel Discussion Panelists [TBD] |
12:00-13:00 (1H) |
Lunch |
13:00- | Move to the session venues. |
13:20-17:00 | Session Themes: ・Energy ・Community ・Manufacturing ・Circulation |

9:00 | 受付開始@北九州イノベーションギャラリー |
9:30 | カンファレンスT開催 |
9:40 | トラベリングワークショップ(2013年5月開催)、エクスカーション報告 |
10:10 | カンファレンスT分科会成果発表 |
11:10 | 第8回サステナブルデザイン国際会議成果発表 |
11:20 | 謝辞 |
11:30 | 終了 |
Day 3 ConferenceU(9th June 2013)
9:00-9:30 (30min) | Registration at Kitakyushu Innovation Gallery and Studio |
9:40-10:00 (20min) |
Report of the Traveling Workshop on 2nd to 5th May, Japan and Excursion on Day 1.
By the Secretariat of The International Conference of Design for Sustainability in Tokyo |
10:00-11:00 (1H) |
Report back from each Session to the Conference I |
11:00-11:15 (15min) |
Summary of this Conference |
11:15-11:30 | Closing Remarks Noriaki SEKI (Chair, The Executive Committee for the International Conference of Design for Sustainability in Kitakyushu) |
11:30- | Free You are invited to the “Share! Higashida Festival”. |